Torment tides of numera review
Torment tides of numera review

So in a sense, Torment is a very easy game to complete. If you spend too much time thinking and not enough trying to do something, you'll go kersplat on the ground, and that's that.

torment tides of numera review

Or you can try to remember what happened, who you are, what's going on. You can try to slow yourself down, or aim for a softer landing. You start falling from a very great height, and can have a number of internal responses to this. My favourite part of Torment is the start, which sounds like damning with faint praise, but it encapsulates how the game works. It should give you the most accurate representation of Torments current state. You form a ragtag group of adventurers, you get into high-concept-jinks. Note: This review is now greatly outdated, so I welcome you to check out my final, release version one instead.


Like if the moulted skin of a tarantula got up and started running around under the belief it was a separate spider with amnesia. Every time they shuck off their previous body and slide into a new one, they leave the first just. You play the most recent incarnation of a god. Translated into jargon talk, this is a single-player RPG with an isometric perspective, set in a part-fantasy part-steampunk universe, and it's so story driven that it's basically like reading a book. For a time, your tale lingers as a lesson in foolhardiness, but, alas, even among the reckless you prove unremarkable.

torment tides of numera review

When the light fades, you are utterly gone, burnt to an ash too fine to be seen amidst the drit of the Ninth World. Torment: Tides Of Numenera is apparently a 'thematic successor' to Planescape: Torment, which, as descriptors go, is even more woolly than 'spiritual successor'. Killed by Sorrow fragments in the first crisis. One a day, every day, perhaps for all time. Have You Played? is an endless stream of game retrospectives.

Torment tides of numera review